Light Of The World

For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT OF GOD is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.(Romans 6:23)

Hey, welcome to LOTW. I have inside info that is very reliable saying YOU have a reserved spot in the Kingdom of God, all you need to do is ask Jesus to come and be your saviour and believe in him...that he was sent by God to die for us: that being the son of God he came and lived a perfect life and died for our sins(yes, we all have sinned) and then he was ressurected from the grave b/c death has no power over God and if you accept Christ death will have no power over you. If you want to know more about Christ and knowing him as your saviour go to the LIGHT page if you aren't interested right now I encourage you to check out the site more and to keep in touch.

Site Progress
The site is currently under going construction. I apologize for the broken links and unfinished pages. If you are looking for info on how to know the Lord I recommend going to and clicking on the sin and God animation at te bottom of the page.

This will contain upcoming concert and conference info once the site is fully operational. Let me point out that worship does not have to be musical, but can be played out in our daily living.

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John4:24

Getting Involved
If you wish to be involved with this site and serve the Lord in this ministry then feel free t contact me and make a suggestion or give me your information. I'm open to many things. I wont stop the Lord's work.